The era of modern power electronics began with the invention of silicon controlled rectifier by cell bell laboratories in 1956. Its prototype was introduced by GEC in 1957 and subsequently, GEC introduced SCR based systems commercially in 1958.
Since then, There has been the development of many new power semiconductor devices. Today power electronics systems incorporate power semiconductor devices as well as microelectronic integrated circuits.
The terms converter system, in general, is used to denote a static device that converts DC to AC or AC to DC. Conventional power controller based on thyratrons, mercury arc controller using power semiconductor devices in almost all applications.
The development of new power semiconductor device new circuit topology with their improved performance and their fall in price have opened up a wide field for the new application of power electronic converter. It is said to power semiconductor devices can be regarded as the muscle and the microelectronics as the intelligent brain in the modern power electronic systems.
Some of the typical applications are :
- Domestic and theater lighting.
- Generation and transmission control.
- Power supplies can be used laboratories and uninterruptible power for important loads.
- An industrial application like chemical device, paper, and steel industries.
Some other application of power electronics :
- Aerospace supplies: Space shuttle power supplies, satellite power supplies, aircraft power systems.
- Commercial: Advertising, heating, elevators, light dimmers, uninterruptible power supplies, flashers, and industrial lasers.
- Industrial area: Transformer tap changers, blowers and fans, pumps and compressor, industrial laser, cement mills, rolling mills, textiles mills, cement mills, welding, arc, and industrial furnaces.
- Residential area: Cooking, vacuum cleaner, lighting, air-conditioning, space heating, refrigerators, electric-door openers, dryers, fans, food warmer trays, personal computers, light dimmer, food mixer, electric blanket.
- Telecommunication device: Power supplies (DC and UPS device), battery chargers.
- Transportation: Electric vehicles, electric locomotives, streetcars, trolley buses, Battery chargers, subways, automotive electronics.
- Utility Process: VAR compensation, HVDC, static circuit breakers, fans, and boiler feed pumps, supplementary energy system.