Chapter 1: Introduction
- What are Power electronics?
- Application of power electronics
- Full form of technical terms related to power electronics
- Power electronic systems
- Power semiconductor devices
- Types of power electronic converters
Chapter 2 : Power Semiconductor diodes and transistors
- What is the P-N junction diode?
- P-N junction diode symbol
- V-I characteristic of a P-N junction diode
- Application of P-N junction diode
- What is the Schottky diode?
- Symbol of Schottky diode
- V-I characteristics of Schottky diode
- Application of Schottky diode
- Advantages and disadvantages of Schotty diode
- Definition of Zener diode
- What is the Zener diode
- Zener diode characteristics
- Different types of Zener diodes
- Zener diode applications
- What is the varactor diode
- Varactor diode symbol
- Characteristics of a varactor diode
- Advantages and disadvantages of varactor diode
- Varactor diode applications
- What is the power transistor?
- What is the NPN transistor?
- What is the PNP transistor?
- Basic details about NPN and PNP transistor
- What is BJT?
- What is actual meaning of BJT?
- Symbolic representation of BJT
- Types of BJT
- BJT mode of operation
- Advantages and disadvantages of BJT
- BJT application
- What is MOSFET?
- Symbolic representation of MOSFET
- MOSFET characteristics
- Switching characteristics of MOSFET
- MOSFET application
- Advantages and disadvantages of MOSFET
- What is IGBT?
- Symbolic representation of IGBT
- Meaning of IGBT
- IGBT Construction
- IGBT characteristics
- Switching characteristic of IGBT
- Application of IGBT
- Advantages and disadvantages of IGBT
Chapter 3 : Thyristor
- What is Thyristor?
- Basic information of thyristor
- Types of Thyristor
- Applications of Thyristor
- I-V Characteristics of Thyristor
- Thyristor TRIAC
- SCR project
- Advantages and disadvantages of Thyristor
- UJT application
- Application of GTO
Chapter 4 : Power Electronics Applications
- What is Uninterruptible power supplies UPS?
- Advantages and disadvantages uninterruptible power supply
- Application of UPS
- What is High voltage DC transmission?
- Advantages and disadvantages of high voltage DC transmission
- Definition of static switches
- Advantages of static switches
- What is a static circuit breaker
Chapter 5 : Electric Drive
Chapter 6 : Chopper
Chapter 7: RTD, Thermocouple, and Thermistor
Chapter 8: Transducer
- What is the electric drive
- Application of electric drives
- Advantages and disadvantages of electric drive
- Single-phase DC drives
- Single-phase DC drive features
- Single-phase half wave converter drives
- Single-phase semi converter drive
- Single-phase full converter drives
- Single-phase dual converter drives
- Three-phase DC drives
- Three-phase half wave converter drives
- Three-phase semi-converter drive
- Three-phase full converter drives
- Three-phase dual converter drives
Chapter 6 : Chopper
- What is chopper?
- Types of the chopper
- Application of chopper
- DC chopper
- Type A chopper
- Type B chopper
- Type C chopper
- Type E chopper
- RTD advantages and disadvantages
- RTD application
- What is a thermocouple?
- Thermocouple advantages and disadvantages
- Thermocouple application
- What is a thermistor?
- Thermistor advantages and disadvantages
- Thermistor application
Chapter 9: MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker:
- What is the full form of MCB?
- What is the full form of MCCB
- What is the full form of ELCB
- How many types of MCB are there
- Why MCB is better than fuse
- Some essential tips to avoid MCB tripping
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of MCB
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of MCCB
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of ELCB
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of RCCB
- What is the difference between MCB and MCCB
- What is the difference between RCCB and ELCB
- Limitations of ELCB
- Limitations of RCCB
- Characteristics of RCCB
- MCB characteristics
- MCB applications
- Application of rccb
- Characteristics of Fuse
- Characteristics of elcb
- Selection of fuse
- Fuse applications
- Limitations of fuse
- Limitations of MCB
Chapter 10: Electrical Wiring
- What is electrical wiring
- Basic house wiring rules
- What is casing capping wiring
- Precaution of casing capping wiring
- What is cleat wiring
- Precaution of cleat wiring
- Why use cleat wiring
- What is concealed conduit wiring
- Precaution of concealed conduit wiring
- Precaution of conduit wiring
- What is batten wiring
- Precaution of batten wiring
- Precaution of lead sheathed wiring
- Difference Between Wooden Casing Capping Wiring and Lead Sheathed Wiring
- Benefits of Earthing
Chapter 11: Circuit breaker
- What are the applications of a vacuum circuit breaker?
- What are the applications of the oil circuit breakers(OCB)?
- What are the applications of the SF6 circuit breaker?
- Oil circuit breaker Advantages and disadvantages
- Circuit breaker advantages ad disadvantages
- Advantage and disadvantages of SF6 circuit breaker
- Advantages and disadvantages of air circuit breaker
- Advantages and disadvantages of air blast circuit breaker
- Vacuum circuit breaker advantages and disadvantages
- What is the difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker?
- What is the difference between an isolator and a circuit breaker
Chapter 12: Transformer