GTO is like a conventional thyristor ( CT ) but with added features in it. It can easily be turned off by a negative gate pulse of appropriate amplitude. Nowadays GTO device is now being used in
Application of GTO:
- The high-performance drive system, such as the field-oriented control scheme used in rolling mills, robotics, and machine tools.
- Traction purpose because of their lightweight.
- GTO used in Induction heater.
- Adjustable frequency inverter drive.
- At present, GTOs with rating up 5000 V and 3000 A is available.
- It is used in AC stabilizing power supplies.TO is used in static VAR compensators (SVCs).
- GTO voltage source inverter in a two-terminal HVDC link, which is fed at the sending end by a line-commutated rectifier.
- GTO is used in AC drives.
- GTO is used in DC drives or DC choppers.
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