21 February 2018

Operational efficiency of Laser diode

This article is very useful to know or learn about how to find different types of efficiency in the laser diode.

1. External  quantum efficiency :

The operational efficiency of the semiconductor laser is differential external quantum efficiency. It is the ratio of the increase in photon output rate for a given increase in the number of injected electrons.

                             ȠD = dpe \ dI( Eg)

pe = Optical power emitted from a device
I = Current
Eg = Band gap energy expressed in terms of electron volts

2. Internal  quantum efficiency :

The internal  quantum efficiency for a semiconductor laser is defined as ɳ  given below :

ɳ = Number of photons generated in the laser cavity / Number of injected electron

The optimal value of internal quantum efficiency Ƞi is ranging between around 50 to 100 %.

3. Total efficiency :

The total efficiency is defined as :

ɳT = Total number of output electron / Total number of injected electrons

ɳT = Pe / I. Eg

 Pe / I  = ȠT . Eg

ɳT = ȠD ( 1 - Ith/I )

Where Ith - threshold current
I - injection current 

4. External power efficiency 

It is in converting electrical input to optical output is expressed as 

Ƞep = Pe / P  * 100

Ƞep = Pe / IV * 100 

Ƞep = ȠT ( Eg / V ) * 100 

 The Ƞep is also called as device efficiency.