The main features of fiber optic cable are that it is a flexible, transparent fiber made by drawing plastic or glass to a diameter as a means to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber and also find wide usage in fiber-optic communication. So now let use check about the disadvantages of optical fiber cable to know more details about fiber optic cable.
Disadvantages of fiber optic cable :
- Special training required to attach the connector to the cable
- Difficult to splice
- Can't be curved
- Low power
- The distance between the transmitter and receiver should keep short or repeater are needed to boost the signal
- Difficult to work with and difficult to install
- Higher initial cost installation
- More expensive to repair or maintain
- Interfacing cost
- Connector problem
- Highly susceptible
- Expensive in comparison with conventional electrical cables
- Limited application
- More vulnerable damage compare to copper wires
- Cost is higher than copper cable
- Require specific skills
- Affected by chemical