One of the major characteristics of an LED uses a different color. Initially what is full form of LED colors were restricted only red LEDs were available. But after semiconductor processes were improved and new research was undertaken to investigate in direction of new LEDs many different colors were available.
Different types of LED colors with wavelength given below :
Different types of LED colors with wavelength given below :
1. Infrared
Wavelength - > 760
Voltage drop - < 1.9
Semiconductor material - Gallium arsenide, Aluminium gallium arsenide
2. Red
Wavelength - 610-760
Voltage drop - 1.6 TO 2.0
Semiconductor material - Galium arsenide phosphide, Aluminium gallium arsenide
3. Violet
Wavelength - 400-450
Voltage drop - 2.8 to 4.0
Semiconductor material - Indium gallium nitride
4. Purple
Wavelength - multi types
Voltage drop - 2.4 to 3.7
Semiconductor material - Blue with red phosphor, White with purple plastic, Dual blue/red LEDs
5. Ultraviolet
Wavelength - <400
Voltage drop - 3.1 to 4.4
Semiconductor material - Diamond, boron nitride, aluminium nitride
6. Pink
Wavelength - Multi types
Voltage drop - 3.3
Semiconductor material - Blue with phosphor, white with pink pigment, yellow with red, orange, or pink phosphor
7. White
Wavelength - Broad spectrum
Voltage drop - 3.5
Semiconductor material - Silicon. silicon carbide, Zinc selenide
8. Orange
Wavelength - 590-610
Voltage drop - 2.0 to 2.1
Semiconductor material - Gallium arsenide phosphide, Gallium phosphide
9. Yellow
Wavelength - 570-590
Voltage drop - 2.1 to 2.2
Semiconductor material - Gallium arsenide phosphide, Gallium phosphide
10. Green
Wavelength - 500-570
Voltage drop - 1.9 to 4.0
Semiconductor material - Aluminium gallium phosphide, Gallium indium phosphide, Indium gallium nitride