FIR short terms is finite impulse response. FIR filter are called as non-recursive filters because they do not use the feedback.This article gives the information about advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters to know more details about it.
Advantages of FIR filters :
- FIR filter are always stable
- It is simple
- FIR filter is having linear phase response
- It is easy to optimize
- Noncausal
- Round of noise error is minimum
- Both recursive, as well as nonrecursive filter, can be designed using FIR designing techniques
- For designing a filter having any arbitrary magnitude response; FIR designing techniques can be easily applied
- Good performance
- Robust
- The necessity of computational techniques for filter implementation
- The requirement of large storage
- The incapability of linear phase response
- Large storage requirements
- Can not simulate prototype analog filter
- For the implementation of FIR filter complex computational techniques are required
- It is hard to implementation than IIR
- Expensive due to large order
- Require more memory
- Time-consuming process
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