Flowchart are widely used in programming tool that programmer or program designer used to design a solution to a problem. Flowchart allows you to layout a complex set of interactions in a way that is easier to digest. This article gives the information about advantages and disadvantages of flowchart to know more details about it.
Advantages of flowchart :
- Better way of communicating the logic of a system to all concerned so flowchart is convenient method of communication
- Problem can be analysed in more effective way with the use of flowchart
- It promote the logical accuracy
- It provide overview of the system and also demonstrates the relationship between various steps.
- Easy to draw
- Easy techniques to understand logic
- Easy to identify the mistake done by non computer person
- Easy to branching and looping
- It is easy to convert flowchart makes program or system maintenance easier
- It help the programmer to write a program code which is need for various purpose
- Flowchart act as a guide or blueprint during the system analysis and program development phase
- It helps in debugging process
- Facilitates troubleshooting
Disadvantages of flowchart :
- Some task are difficult to represent using a flowchart
- Quite costly and difficult to use and manage
- People need to understand what the symbol mean
- Time consuming and slow down the process of software development
- Sometime in complex flowchart other program might have a difficult time understanding the logic and the process of the flowchart
- Difficult for modification
- It is just visualization of program it cannot function like an actual program
- As the flowchart symbols can't be type so that reproduction of flowchart becomes a problem