The use of the word converter in power electronics which is often used as describing several unrelated pieces of equipment or performing a different function has added to this confusing matter, A converter has a lot of meaning but often time you can really understand what it really meant. A converter converts the voltage of an electrical device, usually alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). It changes the voltage of an electrical power source and it is usually combined with other components to create a power supply. A converter converts AC to DC, detect amplitude modulated radio signals, supply polarized voltage for welding.
The basic difference between various types of converters is that they vary in their nature and the devices they support.
- Analog to digital converter (ADC): This type of converter is a device that converts the input analog voltage to a digital number proportional to the magnitude of the voltage or current form. Some non-electronic or partially electronic device, like rotary encoder, can be considered as ADCs.
- Digital to analog converter (DAC): It is a device that converts a digital code to an analog signal, DAC are found in CD players, digital music players and PC sound cards.
- Digital to digital converter (DDC): It is a device which converts one type of digital data to another type of digital data.
Advantages of the converter:
- Faster dynamic response.
- Highly reliable.
- Highly efficient.
- Negligible maintenance.
- Very small size.
Disadvantages of a converter:
- Poor current overload capacity.
- Low power factor.
- The good quality automatic regulators are more expensive than other types of mechanical regulators.