Semiconductor devices are nothing but electronics components. To all other electronic devices, they can be used in an electronics circuit in different combinations to do different work.
Advantages of semiconductor devices:
- Semiconductor devices have no filaments hence there is no power needed to heat them to cause the emission of the electrons.
- As we know the semiconductor device does not produce any humming noise.
- Semiconductor devices have shockproof.
- The semiconductor device is cheaper as compared to vacuum tubes.
- The semiconductor device has an almost unlimited life.
- The semiconductor device has a small size, so the circuits involving devices are very compact.
- No heating is required so semiconductor devices are set into operation as soon as the circuit is switched on.
- Semiconductor devices occupy less space on any type of printed circuit board.
- As we know that when no vacuum has to be created in semiconductor devices they have no vacuum deterioration trouble.
- Semiconductor devices require low voltage operation as compared to the vacuum tubes.
Disadvantages of semiconductor devices:
- The noise level is too much higher in semiconductor devices as compared to the vacuum tubes.
- In when we have to use the ordinary semiconductor devices cannot handle as more power as ordinary vacuum tubes can do.
- In the high-frequency range, they have poor performance.
This topic is all about the different types of semiconductor devices include two terminals, three terminals, and four-terminal devices. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any quires regarding this concept or some electrical and electronics projects give your feedback in the comment section below.