Magnetic tape is most commonly used to record and to store computer and video data. Before the CD and DVD came along, the magnetic tap was widely used by consumers. Magnetic tape is most communally used y large companies and organizations that require massive data stores. Here this pose gives information about the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic tape to better understand this topic.
- Magnetic tape
ca ne recorded over and reused repeatedly. - Magnetic tape is inexpensive and budget-friendly.
- Can
amounts of datastorage large unto per tape cartridge.1 terabyte - Data collection can go without interruption overnight or for an entire weekend.
- It can be set up to do the back up overnight or over the weekend.
- It is probably the cheapest
of storage per megabyte of storage.form
Disadvantages of magnetic tape:
- Magnetic tape has a lifespan of 15 years. Data quality erodes over time.
- This tape is necessary to keep older tape equipment just to be able to read the stored data.
- If the data is stored ear a strong magnetic field or large speaker, the tape can be damaged.
- Magnetic tap is in physical contact with the recording heads, causing friction and wear.
- Special equipment must be purchased and set up to record and store data. The data can only be read on the special type of equipment.
- It is slow compared to magnetic disks.
- It is not flexible, and updating the records is difficult.
- Away from corrosive gases ad chemicals, they can cause tape reading errors.
- Use parity bits, hence if a minor error
is difficult to recover the data.occurs it - It was sequential in nature, not suitable where data is accessed and requires a random order.
- This tape is needed to be a special piece of equipment to record and read the data on the tape.
- The tape can stretch or break or lose its magnetic data to age, heat, or the earth magnetic field.