TCP's full meaning Transmission Control Protocol is connection-oriented, whereas UDP full meaning User Datagram Protocol is connection-less.
Connection-orientation is that the communicating devices should establish a connection before transmitting data and should close the connection after transmitting the data. Datagram protocol means there is no overhead for opening a connection, maintaining a connection, and terminating a connection.
Difference between TCP and UDP
- There is an acknowledgment for each byte so we called TCP a byte-stream protocol on the other side with no acknowledgment in UDP.
- Because of Acknowledgments, TCP is considered a reliable data transfer protocol while UDP is unreliable.
- TCP is heavyweight whereas UDP is lightweight.
- The header size of TCP is 20 bytes and the UDP header size is 8 bytes.
- Retransmission of lost packets is possible in TCP, but not possible in UDP.
- Segment sequencing of data is a feature of TCP and no such feature for UDP.
- Because of an upper feature, TCP gives a guarantee that the order of data at receiving end is the same as on sending end whereas UDP has no such guarantee.
- TCP is used by HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP and Telnet, and UDP is used by DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, and VOIP.
- TCP requires much more computer resources while UDP requires less computer resources.
- UDP is much faster than TCP.
- UDP is faster in data transferring than TCP.
- TCP supports full-duplex while UDP not.
- TCP is safer than UDP.
- Flow control, congestion control happen in TCP while UPD both are not happening.
- TCP arranges data packet in an order specified while UDP protocol no inherent ordering, the data packets of the same message may be ordered differently.
- TCP makes a check for error and reporting while UDP makes error checking but no reporting.
- TCP follows 3 way of handshakes for connection establishment whereas no handshake is required in UDP since it is connectionless protocol.
- Example of TCP: Making a phone call Example of UDP: Playing online games.
Handshake of TCP :
Field of TCP :
- Sequence number
- AcK number
- Data offset
- Reserved
- Control bit
- Window
- Urgent Pointer
- Options
- Padding
- Checksum
- Source port
- Destination Port
Field of UDP :
- Length
- Source Port
- Destination Port
- Checksum