3 January 2018

What is GPRS | History | Features | Goal | Service | Protocol | Advantages

What is GPRS?

GPRS full form General Packet Radio Service is a packet-oriented mobile data standard on 2G and 3G cellular communication network's global system for mobile communication accessible to GSM and IS-136 mobile phones users. 

GPRS based wireless communication service that promises data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous connection to the Internet for mobile and computers. 

GPRS is third generation step towards internet access. GPRS also was known as GSM-IP the Global System Mobile Communication Internet Protocol.

Who owns GPRS?

The GPRS specification was written by European Telecommunication Standard Institute (ETSI) and American National Standard Institute.

History of GPRS : 

1991-1992 - The CELLPAC protocol developed. 
1993 - The CELLPAC voice and data functions introduced in ETSI workshop
2000 - GPRS opened as a packet-switched data service embedded to the channel-switched cellular radio network GSM. GPRS extends the reach of internet access to mobile terminal worldwide. 

Successor system to GPRS like CDMA and LTE reply on key GPRS function for mobile internet access as introduced by CELLPAC. 

Basic details :

GPRS network allows the network operators to implement an IP based core architecture for data application, so that will continue to be used and expanded for 3G services for data application.

GPRS offers fast connection set up a mechanism to offer a perception of being "Always ON". Hence, It referred to as "always connected".

GPRS always short bursty traffic like email, web browsing etc and no dial-up modem connection is essential for GPRS.

GPRS allows other services like :
  • Unicast
  • Multicast
  • Broadcast
The GPRS core network allows 2G, 3G and CDMA mobile networks to transmit IP packets to external networks such as the Internet. 

GPRS extends the GSM packet circuit switched data capabilities and it makes the following services possible. 

Services of GPRS :

  • Messaging SMS and broadcasting 
  • Always ON Internet access
  • Multimedia message services (MMS)
  • Push-to-talk over cellular (PoC)
  • Wireless village 
  • Internet applications for mobile and computers through wireless application protocol 
  • Point to point services 
  • Inter-networking with the Internet (IP)
  • Point to multipoint services 

Protocols of GPRS :

  • Internet protocol (IP)
  • Point to point protocol (PPP)
  • X.25

Goals of GPRS :

GPRS is the first step towards the end to end wireless infrastructure. 

  • Open architecture
  • Same infrastructure for different air interface 
  • Consistent IP services
  • Leverage industry investment in IP
  • Service innovation independent of infrastructure
  • Integrated telephony 
  • Internet infrastructure 

Features of GPRS : 

  • The always online feature 
  • An upgrade to existing systems
  • An integral part of future 3G systems  

Advantages of GPRS :

  • Provide high-speed data service
  • Support bursty application like email, traffic, telemetry, broadcast service, and web browsing
  • GPRS offers fast connection set up a mechanism to offer a perception of being always on hence the GPRS devices are referred to as always connected
  • GPRS based network has high bandwidth
  • Provide point to point services
  • Mobility provides wireless internet access
  • GPRS is not possible to troubleshoot in case of issues
  • Deployment is easier
  • Communication via GPRS is cheaper than through the regular GSM networks
  • Constant connection to the internet 
  • GPRS provides wireless access to the internet from any location where there is a network signal so that you can surf the internet on your laptop or phone, even in remote areas
  • GPRS is still faster than the old WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ) data is transferred at speeds ranging from 9.6 kilobytes per second up to 114 kbps
  • When you surfing the internet it doesn't block incoming calls enables you to make or receive voice calls while you are browsing the internet or downloading data. So that users can have both voice call and data call together

 Disadvantages of GPRS : 

  • Limited capacity for all users
  • Speed much lower in reality 
  • Data rates supported are slower compared to the latest wireless standards such as LTE or LTE-advanced. 
  • Mobile station using GPRS can't receive direct GPRS calls
  • A network can be affected when a large number of users in the same area utilize the GPRS services at the same time. 
  • Users may decide to charge based on time rather than volume
  • GPRS could be consumed by the public during the public emergency
  • Can have high latency, especially text messaging
  • Can not troubleshoot means works or doesn't
  • Expensive to add terminal above 4
  • Slower 72 Kbps vs 11 Mbps
  • Transit delay

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