- Cordless phones operating in the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands.
- United status GPS technology, European Galileo and Russian GLONASS satellite navigation systems used DS/SS system with a single PN code in conjunction with FDMA and later it is used to achieve CDMA with multiple PN code.
- Used in the low probability of intercept signal.
- It obtain message privacy.
- Used military and many commercial application.
- The unique spreading codes support code division multiple access.
- Support various decision making level.
- To reject unintentional interference.
- To minimize self interference due to the multi-path propagation.
- It is used in automatic meter reading.
- Used in IEEE 802 11b and Zigbee network.
- Radio controlled model automotive vehicles.
6 April 2018
Application of direct spread spectrum sequence
Hello, My name is Divya Chauhan and I am a Electronics and communication engineer and M.Tech post graduate in Electronics and communication(ICT) field. I have been in the Digital marketing field for a few years now, learning more about the field and myself every day. I started a website on Electronics and communication engineering ecstuff4u.com in 2017. Since then it has given me a passion for learning as well as allowed me to step into another niche called difference or comparison of two similar kinds of terms differenceguides.com. I spend most of my time singing, playing sports, and writing content. I love to share expertise and knowledge in the above mentioned field.