Full form related to microprocessor X86 programming
DOS - Disk operating system
CPU - Central processing unit
HLL - High level language
SSU - Secondary storage unit
IU - Input unit
OU - Output unit
FLOPS - Floating point operation per second
MIPS - Million instruction per second
CU - Control unit
ALU - Arithmetic logic unit
ROM - Read only memory
RAM - Random access memory
BIU - Bus interface unit
IQ - Instruction queue
CSR - Code segment register
DSR - Data segment register
ESR - Extra segment register
EU - Execution unit
CF - Carry flag
PF - Parity flag
IF - Interrupt flag
OF - Overflow flag
SF - Sign flag
ZF - Zero flag
TF - Trap flag
DF - Direction flag
U - Undefined
IP - Instruction Pointer
LIFO - Last in first out
ENDP - End of procedure
EPDM - End of macro
EXTRN - External
PTR - Pointer
LEA - Load effective address
LDS - Load register and DS register
LES - Load register and ES register
LAHF - Load AH with flags
SAHF - Store AH in flag register
SHL - Shift logical left
SAR - Shift arithmetic right
SAL - Shift arithmetic left
POPF - Pop flag register
POPA - Pop all registers
POP - Pop register
PUSHA - Push all register\
ROL - Rotate left
ROR - Rotate right
RCL - Rotate through carry left
RCR - Rotate through carry right
ADD - Addition
ADC - Addition with carry
INC - Increment
SUB - Subtraction
SBB - Subtract with borrow
AAA - ASCII adjust for addition
AAS - ASCII adjust for subtraction
AAM - ASCII adjust for multiplication
AAD - ASCII adjust for division
DAA - Decimal adjust for addition
DAS - Decimal adjust for subtraction
MUL - Multiplication
IMUL - Integer multiply
DIV - Division
IDIV - Integer division
CBW - Convert byte to word
CWD - Convert word to double word
TEST - Test and set flags
XOR - Logical exclusive OR
JMP - Jump
NOT - Logically not
JAE - Jump on above or equal
JNB - Jump or not below
JNC- Jump on not carry
JNBE - Jump on not below or equal
JB - Jump on below
JNAE - Jump or not above or equal
JC - Jump on carry
JE - Jump on equal
JZ - Jump on zero
JG - Jump on greater than
JNLE - Jump on not less or equal
JGE - Jump on grater or equal
JNL - Jump on not less
JL - Jump on less than
JNGE - Jump on not greater than or equal
JLE - Jump or less than or equal
JNG - Jump or not greater
JNE - Jump on not equal
JNZ - Jump or not zero
JNO - Jump on not overflow
JNP - Jump on not parity
JPO - Jump on parity odd
JNS - Jump on not sign
JO - Jump on overflow
JP - Jump on parity even
JPE - Jump on parity equal
JS - Jump on sign
IRET - Interrupt return
INTO - Interrupt on overflow
CLC - Clear carry
CMC - Complement carry
STC - set carry
CLD - Clear direction flag
STD - Set direction flag
CLL - Clear interrupt flag
STI - Set interrupt flag
HLT - Halt
NOP - No operation
WAIT/FWAIT - Wait or Floating wait
JNZ - Jump or not zero
JNO - Jump on not overflow
JNP - Jump on not parity
JPO - Jump on parity odd
JNS - Jump on not sign
JO - Jump on overflow
JP - Jump on parity even
JPE - Jump on parity equal
JS - Jump on sign
IRET - Interrupt return
INTO - Interrupt on overflow
CLC - Clear carry
CMC - Complement carry
STC - set carry
CLD - Clear direction flag
STD - Set direction flag
CLL - Clear interrupt flag
STI - Set interrupt flag
HLT - Halt
NOP - No operation
WAIT/FWAIT - Wait or Floating wait
LOCK - Lock shared resources
CLD - Clear direction flag
STD - Set direction flag
MOVS - Moves string
MOVSB - Moves string string byte
MOVSW - Moves string word
LODS - Load string
LODSB - Load string byte
LODSW - Load string word
CMPS - Compare string
CMPSB - Compare string byte
CMPSW - Compare string word
STOS - Store string
STOSB - Store string byte
STOSW - Store string word
CLD - Clear direction flag
STD - Set direction flag
MOVS - Moves string
MOVSB - Moves string string byte
MOVSW - Moves string word
LODS - Load string
LODSB - Load string byte
LODSW - Load string word
CMPS - Compare string
CMPSB - Compare string byte
CMPSW - Compare string word
STOS - Store string
STOSB - Store string byte
STOSW - Store string word