6 September 2018

Digital logic design books

1. Book name: Digital electronics and logic design
Author: Gate academy team
Publisher: Gate academy publications

2. Book name: Digital  logic and computer design
Author: M Morris Mano
Publisher: Pearson

3. Book name: Fundamental of  Digital  Logic with VHDL design 
Author: Stephen Brown
Publisher: Mcgraw hill education

4. Book name: Digital electronics and logic design
Author: A P Adsul, R H Jagdale, SS  Kulkarni
Publisher: Nirali Prakashan

5. Book name: Digital logic design
Author: Alam mansaf, Alam basis
Publisher: PHI learning Pvt Ltd

6. Book name: Digital logic: application and design
Author: John M Yarbrough
Publisher: Cengage Learning

7. Book name: Digital logic design: principal
Author: Bradley  Carlson norman  balabanian
Publisher: Wiley

8. Book name: Digital circuit and  logic design 
Author: Lee c Samuel
Publisher: PHI learning  

9.  Book name : Digital principal  logic design 

Author : N manna
Publisher : Laxmi publication