Basically. semiconductor and conductor are mainly used in different types of electrical and electronics components. The main comparison between conductor semiconductor can be aspects like conductivity variation, electrical resistivity, temperature coefficient, energy bands and current carriers are represented below difference from.
The main key difference between conductor and semiconductor are listed below:
- The resistivity of the conductor is low, whereas semiconductor is moderate.
- The temperature coefficient of a conductor is positive, whereas semiconductor has constant.
- The conductivity of the conductor is high, whereas semiconductor is moderate.
- The conductor has a large number of electrons for transmission, whereas semiconductor has a very limited number of electrons for transmission.
- The conductor doesn't have forbidden gap while semiconductor has forbidden gap.
- The amount of current carrier at the usual temperature in the conductor is very high whereas semiconductor it is low.
- The resistivity value of the conductor is less than 10-5 ohms meters so it is negligible whereas semiconductor has among the values of conductors and insulator.
- The valence electrons are a conductor is one in the outer most shell, but in semiconductor, it is four.
- The 0-kelvin behavior of conductor acts as a superconductor whereas in semiconductor acts as an insulator.
- The flow of current in a conductor is due to free electrons whereas in semiconductor due to holes as well as free electrons.
- The formation of the conductor can be done by metallic bonding whereas in semiconductor it can be formed by covalent bonding.
- The band overlap in a conductor in both the valence and conduction bands are overlapped whereas in semiconductor both bands are divided with an energy space of 1.1 eV.
- The main example of a conductor is copper, silver, mercury, and aluminum whereas semiconductor examples are silicon and germanium.
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