The transducer is used in electronic communication systems to convert signals of different physical forms to an electronic signal. While the sensor is a device that senses a physical quantity and it converts it into an analog-type quantity which can be measured electricity such as voltage, capacitance, inductance, and ohmic resistance.
One of the main key differences between the sensor and transducer is that the transducer converts the physical quantity or nonelectrical into another signal or electrical signal whereas the sensor senses the physical changes occur in the surrounding.
The main key difference between sensor and transducer are given below:
- The sensor changes the physical change across the surrounding whereas the transducer transforms the one form of energy into another.
- The sensor itself is the major component of the sensor whereas the transducer the sensor and the signal conditioning is the major elements of the sensor.
- The primary function of the transducer converts the physical quantity into an electrical signal while the sensor is to sense the physical changes.
- The sensor tends to be more sensitive than the transducer.
- Some transducer can be used as sensors. A transducer converts energy in two directions while a sensor can convert it in one.
- A transducer converts the measured quantity into a standard electrical signal like -10 to +10V DC while the sensor is used to measure voltage, capacitance, ohmic resistance.
- The thermistor and thermocouple are the best examples of the transducer while accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope are the example of the sensors.
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