OSI stands for open system interconnection. The OSI model is logical and also
a conceptual model that defines network communication used by the system open
to interconnection and communication with some other systems. The OSI
model also defines a logical network and effectively describe computer packet
transfer by using various layers of protocols. Here this post gives information
about the advantages and disadvantages of the OSI model to better understand
this topic
Advantages or benefits of the OSI model:
- It helps you to ensure
interoperable technology.
- It helps you to standardize router, switch, motherboard, and other hardware.
- It reduces complexity and standardizes interfaces.
- It facilitates modulator engineering.
- Help you to ensure interoperable technology.
- Help you to accelerate evolution.
- Troubleshooting is easier
- It offers flexibility to adapt to various types of protocols.
- It is a standard model in computer networking.
- Protocols can be replaced by new protocols when technology changes.
- It supports connection-oriented
services as well as connectionless service.
- It is a generic model, acts as a
guidance tool to develop any network layer model.
- Change is one layer that does not affect other layers, provided that the interface between the layers does not change drastically.
- It flows layered architecture and it can change in one layer will not affect the other layer.
- It distinctly separates interface, services, protocols, and its flexible in nature. The protocols used in every layer are replaced conveniently depending upon the nature of the work.
Disadvantages of the OSI model:
- Fitting of the protocol is a
tedious task.
- You can only use it as a
reference model.
- In the OSI network layer, some
service is duplicated in many layers such as the transport and data link
- The OSI model is very complex.
The initial implementation was cumbersome, slow, and costly.
- The standard of the OSI model is theoretical and does not offer adequate solutions for practical network implementation.
- This model is purely a
theoretical model and that does not consider the availability of appropriate technology. This restricts its practical implementation.
- It doesn't define any specific protocol.
- Ther OSI model did not the particle needs as well as the TCP/IP model. So it was labeled as inferior quality.
- Though there are many layers,
some of the layers like the session layer and presentation layer have very little uses some functionality when practically deployed.
- There is a duplication of service in various layers. Service like addressing, flow control, and error control are offered by multiple layers.
- In this model, the layers can't work in parallel as each layer need to wait to obtain data from the previous layer.
- The launching timing of this model was totally inappropriate. When OSI appeared the TCP/IP protocols were already implemented. So many companies were initially reluctant to use it.
- The session layer is used for session management. The presentation layer deals with user interaction.
Though they are useful, and not as much as the other layers in the OSI
- This model may find sometimes difficult to fit a new protocol in this model. This because this model was developed before the invention of any of these protocols.
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