The basic difference between AES and DES is that S=AES is the entire block is processed to obtain the ciphertext while in DES plaintext block is divided into two halves before the main algorithms start. Here this article give the information about the main key difference between AES and DES to better understand this topic.
What is AES?
AES stands for advanced encryption standard, It is a method for the symmetric key block cipher. AES was published in 2001 by the national institute of standard and technology. AES was introduced to replace DES as DES see very small cipher key and the algorithm was quite slowers.
What is DES?
DES stands for data encryption standard, It is a symmetric key block cipher that was adopted by national institute of standard and the technology in the year of 1977. DES takes input as 64 bits plain text and the 56-bit key to produce 64-bit ciphertext.
Difference between AES and DES are listed below:
- AES stands for advanced encryption standard while DES stands for data encryption standard.
- In AES Key length can be of 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits while in the key length of DES is 56 bits.
- AES is more secure than the DES cipher and is the de facto world standard, While DES can be broken easily as it has known vulnerabilities. 3DES is a variation of DES which is secure than the useful DES.
- AES is completely faster than DES.
- AES was designed by the vincent rijmen and Joan Daemen, While the DES was designed by IBM
- The structure is based on a substitution permutation network while in the DES the structure is based in the Feistel network.
- AES can be encrypted 128 bit of plain text, DES can encrypt 64 bits of Palin text.
- AES number of rounds depends on the key length while in DES involves 16 rounds of identical operations.
- AES cipher is derived from square cipher but in the DES cipher is derived from lucifer cipher.
- In AES is no known attack while in DES brute force, linear cryptanalysis, and differential cryptanalysis.
- The rounds in AES are: Byte substitution, shift row, mix column and key addition, While the round in DES are XOR operation, expansion, round key, substitution, and permutation.
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