10 September 2020

Difference Between Transmission and Distribution Line

The transmission and distribution line both are used to carry power from one place to the other. difference between transmission and distribution lines is explained on the basis of the factors like the basic like usage of the transmission line and distribution line, their working supply phase, voltage, and level of conduction.

Definition of transmission line:

The transmission line is for large distances, their voltage is higher, and they can transport more electricity.

Definition of distribution line:

The distribution line is for short distances, their voltages are lower, and they transport electricity locally.

Difference between transmission and distribution lines:

  • The distribution line is thin as compared to the transmission line.
  • The transmission line conducts current at 69 kilovolts or more, but the distribution line conducts current at less than 69 kilovolts.
  • The transmission line carries power or electricity in a three-phase supply system. Distribution systems require a single-phase supply system for carrying electricity.
  • The transmission line carries electricity at a very high voltage about 11000 volts whereas the distribution line carries electricity at a very low and safe value level that is about 220 volts.
  • The transmission line help in the movement of electricity from a power plant or power station to the various substations whereas the distribution line carries electricity from the substation to the consumer end to the residential and commercial customers.

Explore more information:
  1. Difference  between AC and DC transmission line

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