8 April 2024

Advantages and Disadvantages of Message Switching

This article gives the Advantages and Disadvantages of Message Switching. 

What is Message Switching?

Message Switching Type
Message Switching

The smallest individual unit is a message. The sender and recipient do not have a direct connection either. Many intermediate nodes transmit out data to guarantee that the message gets to its target recipient. Thus message switched data networks are sometimes known as hop-by-hop networks. Message switching is lower complexity, highly reliable, and reduces traffic congestion. Message switching requires more time than packet switching since the entire message continues to be stored at each hop point until it is received in its entirety.

Advantages or Benefits of Message Switching

  1. The main advantage of Message switching is that the devices communicate with each other to exchange data channels, which increases the effectiveness of using available bandwidth.
  2. Another benefit of message switching in contrast to circuit switching, it does not require the source and destination devices to be physically connected. 
  3. While using message switching, it is possible to change the message size that gets sent across the network. As a result, it can accommodate data of any length.
  4. Message switching offers a higher channel efficiency than circuit switching since multiple devices can transfer messages over the same channel; at the same time.
  5. It allows for infinitely long messages.
  6. While using a message switch the message is simply maintained in the nodes, which can help reduce traffic congestion.
  7. Properties can be added to the message as they are being delivered using the store and forward techniques.

Disadvantages or Drawbacks of Message Switching

  1. The main drawback of message switching is that the real-time application can't utilize message switching because storing messages causes delays.
  2. This method is expensive due to the cost of the store and forward devices. This is because maintaining long messages for a long duration of time requires huge storage disks.
  3. While using in Message switching every intermediate device in the network needs a large storage capacity since the message requires the message to be stored.
  4. While using Messaging switching priorities can be incorporated into the message as they are being delivered using the store and forward technique.
  5. Another drawback of message switching is that a dedicated path is not established between the devices by the message switching type. Communication is not dependable when there isn't a direct connection between the sender and the recipient.
  6. Using this switching complexity of the system, users frequently don't know if messages are transferred effectively. S the social relationship issues could result from this. 
  7. And last, this method is expensive due to the cost of storing and forwarding devices. This is the result of the need for a lot of systems to hold long communications.
Thank you for reading this article. Still, if you have any questions or queries in mind on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Message Switching then please ask us in the comment section below. 

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