3 April 2024

UHF VS VHF | Difference | Comparison

When selecting the best two-way radio for your purposes, it can be helpful to know the difference between UHF or ultra-high frequency and VHF or very high frequency.  Which is better UHF or VHF? So let us check out the difference between UHF and VHF to better understand this topic.

What is the difference between UHF and VHF?

What is UHF?

UHF stands for ultra-high frequency. Within the electromagnetic spectrum, it is the range of radio frequencies that fall between 300 MHz and 3 GHz. UHF signals are widely utilised in radio and television broadcasting, usually delivering TV signals on channels 14 through 83, because they are least impacted by external conditions.

What is VHF?

The VHF stands for very high frequency and describes the radio frequency band span from 30 MHz to 299 MHz.  In addition to broadcasting television and FM radio. VHF is also used for traffic control, radar, military and local mobile radio, radio modem transmissions, marine navigation systems, and air navigation systems. Typically, VHF television channels range from 2 to 13.

UHF Vs VHF  | Difference between UHF and VHF

Following are the differences between UHF and VHF are given below:

  1. Antenna: UHF antenna length is often short and stubby, whereas VHF frequently requires a floppy longer antenna that is at least 4 inches long.
  2. Budget: Because they can withstand more disturbances, UHF radios are frequently more expensive. On the other hand, Models that operate on VHF radio frequency are often more affordable.
  3. Signal strength: Low band usually overlaps with high band UHF. A high band will offer the least number of disturbances, but it will require a longer antenna. Whereas the VHF is stronger the signal, the more it can withstand without disruption. Radios that this frequency will be a better choice for outdoor use.
  4. Environment: UHF is ideal for an indoor environment. VHF works best in outdoor environments.
  5. Signal type: UHF operates 403470 megahertz, offering a decent distance while working well inside buildings. while The lower the frequency, the farther it can travel. VHF operates between 30 to 300 MHz. This has excellent distance on flat ground but works very poorly in buildings.
  6. Distance: The overall UHF distance is shorter. However, it can maintain its strength while passing through more obstructions in close areas. While they are easily obstructed VHF radios are effective across long distances. If you are working in a wide open space without trees or hills, you can travel for up to 100 miles and maintain communication.
  7. Interference: UHF perform better when you have a large number of different short-range signals working in the same area. While the VHF has fewer channels available which can lead to congestion and interference from other nearby two-way radios
  8. Power: UHF radios need more power and need to be charged more frequently due to their higher frequency. Whereas the battery life of VHF radios will be significantly longer because they have stricter limits on transmit power and frequency.
  9. Application: UHF is often used by public safety, medical staff, schools, warehouses and retail stores, on the other hand, VHF is better suited for outdoor professions like golf courses, marine applications, forestry and oil.


The purpose for which you want to use a VHF or UHF frequency will determine which to use. VHF should mostly be used outside, away from obstruction of any kind. If there are no obstructions in the way, VHF frequencies can reach farther. The only situation in which you should VHF is when you are outside on a field or other open area. Due to its lower frequency, VHF frequently causes interference with other radios. 

In contrast, UHF is a superior signal for long-distance communication overall. When utilising radio indoors, such as in buildings or in urban areas, UHF is preferable. One advantage of using UHF is that other two-way radios are less likely to interfere with you. Because the UHF signal penetrates concrete, steel and wood more effectively than VHF signals can, they are more effective for indoor use and can penetrate deeper inside buildings.  In general, there is no definitive difference between UHF and VHF, the choice between the two depends entirely on the use of your communication device.

Explore more information:

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of UHF
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of visible light

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