We all know that, the time domain is the domain in which all the signals are to be represented. Time domain signal can be tested or verified with the use of an oscilloscope while in the frequency domain is useful to do a deeper analysis of the time domain signal. Frequency domain helps to study contents of the discrete time domain signals as well as continuous time domain signal. While in frequency domain signal can be analyzed with the use of spectrum analyzer. Here this page gives information about the difference between time domain to better understand this topic.
The main key difference between time domain and frequency domain are listed below:
- A time domain graph shows how a signal changes over time while the frequency domain graph shows how much of the signal lies within each given frequency band over a range of frequencies.
- The main advantages of time domain are that they are relatively fast and require less memory than inverting the Helmholtz operator, While in frequency domain main advantages are that the frequency domain allows for techniques which could be used to determine the main of stability of the system.
- Time domina is the domain for analysis of the mathematical function or signals with respect to time, Whereas the frequency domain is the domain for analysis of the mathematical function or signals with respect to frequency.
- The time domain systems tend to use photon counting detectors which are slow but too much highly sensitive, while frequency domain system is relatively inexpensive, easy to develop and use and can provide a very fast temporal sampling.
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