23 March 2020

Difference Between Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) and Delta Modulation (DM)

What is PCM?

PCM stands for pulse code modulation, It is used for reworking an analog signal into a digital signal. PCM is a good or sensible signal-to-noise ratio. PCM wants to have high transmitter bandwidth. The PCM method is split into three elements, the initial stage is the transmission at the provision end, the second registration at the transmission path, and conjointly the receiving side of the end. 

What is DM?

While in DM stands for delta modulation, It is used for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion techniques. DM is employed to realize a high signal-to-noise ratio.  DM is smaller than PCM. 

Difference between delta modulation (DM) and pulse code modulation (PCM):

  • PCM stands for pulse code modulations while DM stands for delta modulations.
  • In PCM feedback does not exist in the transmitter or receiver while in delta modulation feedback existed in the transmitter.
  • PCM requires the highest transmitter bandwidth while DM requires the lowest transmitter bandwidth.
  • PCM is complex in terms of complexity of implementation, whereas DM is simple in terms of complexity of implementation.
  • In PCM per sample 4,8, or 16 bits are used while in DM only one's bit is used per sample.
  • PCM may be a technique wont to digitally represent sampled analog signals while in DM convert digital to analog and analog to digital converter.
  • PCM is costly, and DM is cheap.
  • PCM has a good signal-to-noise ratio while in DM has a poor signal-to-noise ratio.
  • PCM is mostly used in video telephony and audio telephony, and DM is mostly used in speeches as well as images.
  • PCM signals are required to encoder and decoder both sides while DM signals can modulate and demodulates.
  • In PCM Quantization error depends on the number of levels, while in DM slope overload distortion is present.

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