One of the major differences between the transducer and the inverse transducer is that the transducer changes non-electrical quantity into the form of electrical quantity. While the inverse transducer changes the electrical quantity into a form of non-electrical quantity. Here this article give the information about the main key difference between a transducer and an inverse transducer to better understand this topic.
Definition of transducer:
The transducer is a type of device that converts the physical quantities like pressure brightness, displacement into an electrical quantity. The process of conversion of quantities is known as the transducer.
Definition of inverse transducer:
The inverse transducer is the transducer which converts the electrical quantity into a form of non-electrical quantity. In other words, the transducer is a kind of actuator that has an electrical input and the non-electrical output.
The main key difference between a transducer and an inverse transducer are listed below:
- The input of the transducer is the nonelectric quantity, while the input of the inverse transducer is the electrical quantity.
- The output of the transducer is always in the electrical quantity, but the output of the inverse transducer is always the non-electrical quantity.
- The transducer transforms the non-electrical quantity into the for of electrical quantity, the inverse transducer changes the electrical quantity into the form of non-electrical quantities.
- The photoconductive cell, thermocouple, pressure gauge are the example of the non-electrical quantities, the piezoelectrical transducer, current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field is the example of the inverse transducer.
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