27 July 2020

Difference Between VGA and SVGA

VGA and SVGA fall in the category of these standard used for channeling the video data to a suitable visual output. VGA supports smaller resolution videos and images while the SVGA is a standard that provides large-resolution for displaying the content. Here this article give the information about the main key difference between VGA and SVGA to better understand this topic.


Definition of VGA

VGA stands for video graphics arrays, It is developed by IBM. It uses analog signals that delivers 640⤬480 resolution with 16 colors at a time ad refresh rate of 16 colors. It displays a maximum of 256 colors at a time from the 262, 144 colors collection. It consists of a 6 bit digital to analog converter to convert analog red, green, and blue signals.

Definition of  SVGA

SVGA stands for a super video graphics array, which is an extension of VGA. The super VGA provides higher resolution with more colors. These boards can function in two modes: 800 ⤬ 600 or 1024 ⤬ 480. Either of the 16 or 256 colors are supported by both of the modes. However, memory utilization in SVGA is high. 

The main key difference between VGA and SVGA

  • VGA stands for video graphics arrays, while in SVGA stands for super video graphics arrays.
  • The VGA support 640⤬480 resolution and 144, 262 colors. While SVGA can provide 1024⤬480 of resolution and 144 to 262 colors.
  • SVGA is the extended version of VGA.
  • SVGA consumes more than VGA, which can range up to 1024 k while in VGA it can go up to a maximum of 256 k.
  • VGA developed by IBM, while in SVGA developed by several  hardware and monitor manufacturers.
  • Supplementary memory was not included in VGA, while in SVGA supplement memory was included.

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