The main difference between diode and transistor is that transistor is a three terminal device which passes current from high resistance region to low resistance region while the diode is a two-terminal device which current in only one direction from the anode to the cathode. This article gives the difference between the transistor and diode to know more details about it.
- A transistor is a semiconductor device which transfers the weak signal from low resistance circuit to high resistance circuit.
- A diode is also a semiconductor device in which current flows only in one direction.
Terminal :
- Transistor has three terminal Base, Emitter and Collector.
- A diode has two terminals anode and cathode.
Region :
- Transistor cover the region in the emitter, collector, and base.
- A diode has two region - P- region and N-region.
Formation :
- Transistor is formed by sandwiching a layer of P-types and N-types material between two N-type or P-type material on either end.
- a diode is formed by joining a P-type semiconductor with an N-type semiconductor.
- Transistor has two types of bipolar transistors and also a field-effect transistor.
- The diode has many types like Light-emitting diode, a Zener diode, tunnel diode, varactor diode, Schottky diode, junction diode.
- Transistor has two depletion regions.
- The diode has one depletion region.
- Transistor has two junction, one in between emitter and base and other in between base and collector.
- Diode has only junction P and N types of semiconductor.
- The transistor must be used amplifier, switches, regulator, rectification, oscillator.
- Diode must be used clipping, clamping, voltage rectifier, voltage multipliers, non linear mixing of two voltage.
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