23 November 2019

Difference Between LVDS and TTL

LVDS stands for low voltage differential signalling while in TTL stands for Transistor-transistor logic. Both of them are signalling types used as the most common data transmission. Conversion between TTL to LVDS and LVDS to TTL is possible though they have incompatible interfaces. Here this page gives the LVDS vs TTL also gives the main key difference between LVDS and TTL are listed below.

Difference between LVDS and TTL :

  • LVDS stands for low voltage differential signalling while in TTL stands for Transistor -transistor logic.
  • LVDS uses two wires voltage difference between the two which determines whether the data is zero or one while in TTL is uses the presence or absence of voltage with reference to the ground which determines binary 1 or 0.
  • LVDS can uses lower voltage levels than TTL.
  • LVDS is a lot more resistant to interference than the TTL logic device. So TTL support less resistance,
  • Power consumption is less in LVDS but in TTL power consumption is more.
  • LVDS support higher transmission distance, TTL support lower transmission distance.
  • LVDS does not use the ground as a reference signal while TTL uses the ground as a reference signal.
  • Devices that use LVDS can have uses longer wires than devices that use of TTL logic devices.
  • LVDS and TTL are not compatible but they can be converted.
  • TTL uses the ground as a reference while LVDS doesn't.
  • LVDS  support serial mode transmission, TTL mode uses parellel mode tramsmission.
  • LVDS uses twisted pairs that form tight EM field coupling. Hence differential voltage due to voltage spikes will remain the same and will not be affected during transmission due to o any EMI. These are the major benefits of LVDS. TTL based data transmission, a binary zero may become binary one when it reaches the receiver due to voltage spike. Thus it is the demerits of TTL over LVDS signalling.
We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any quires regarding this concept or some electrical and electronics projects give your feedback in the comment section below. 

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