13 January 2020

Batten wiring | Definition | Installation | Precautions | Materials | Advantages | Applications

Definition of batten wiring:

This is when a single wire or some group of wire is laid over a wooden batten. These wires are held to the batten for using a brass clip and spaced at an interval of 10 cm for horizontal runs and 15 cm for vertical runs.

In this electrical wiring wooden batten wiring used. All the cable wiring is installed on the smooth batten steel clips and steels clip are installed on the surface of batten to equal to the wooden batten is installed on the wall with the help of a 1.5-inch screw. The batten available size 15,20,25,40 mm. Usually, PVC cable used for batten wiring. 
So you use proper wiring rules for how to used wires in-wall and put in an accessible junction box for the connected wires.

The procedure of batten wiring:

Group of single or double or three core cables is used to be laid on the straight teak wooden batten. The cable is held with the help of the tinned brass link clip or buckle clip. The brass pin is used to fix the buckle clip on the wooden batten. Buckle clips are a fixed brass pin on the wooden batten at an interval 10 cm for horizontal runs 15cm for vertical runs.

Installation of batten wiring:

First of all, the first step is to draw the straight lines with colored threads on the wall of the building. Always draw the lines to the height of 3m above the ground surface. In any condition, the distance cannot duce to this specified limit. After with the help of an electric drill, the machine makes the hole to the marked point on the wall. The distance between these holes is 30 cm or 60 cm and all the holes are made on the equal distance to each other rawal plugs are inserted in holes. Cut the batten with the help of wood saw to the required length. Now connect the steel clip with nails on the surface of the batten to an equal distance. Batten is installing on the walls of the building. 1.5-inch screws are used to installations of batten on the walls. Installation to the cable on batten and tight the clips. All the switches, sockets, lamps, ceiling rose, the main switch is installed on wooden round rocks. In the last whole wiring tested with a megger.

Precautions of Batten wiring:

  • Always installed the batten to the hight of 5 above the ground.
  • Use bridge joint when crossing of cables is required.
  • Always varnish the batten before installation.
For detailed information:

The material used in batten wiring:

  • CTS or TRS cable
  • Stright teak wooden batten
  • Brass pins
  • Screw
  • Batten 
  • Wooden round block
  • Colour 
  • Nail
  • Kit kat
  • Socket
  • Thread
  • Steel clip
  • Lamp holder
  • Conduit pipe
  • Switchboard
  • ceiling rose
  • Main switch
  • Raw at plugs
  • Switch
  • Tinned brass link clip

Tools used in batten wiring:

  • Knife
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Stair
  • Phase tester
  • Side driver
  • Drill machine
  • Measuring tape
  • Wood saw
  • Combinational plier
  • Side cutter

Advantages of batten wiring:

  • This is a simple wiring system.
  • Batten wiring system is a better long life.
  • Durable and have good strength.
  • The chance of leakage current is very rare.
  • It looks very beautiful.
  • Wiring installation is easy and simple.

Disadvantages of Batten wiring:

  • The risk of fire is possible.
  • After maintenance of the beauty of this wiring system is nor maintain. 
  • It is installed only for 220V.
  • The risk of mechanical injury is possible.
For detailed information:

You will also learn some other electrical wiring system:

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