Oil circuit breakers are the oldest types of circuit breakers. Oil circuit breakers have the virtues of reliability, relative cheapest, and simplicity. So here this article in order to determine some advantages and disadvantages of the oil circuit breaker to better understand this topic.
Advantages of oil circuit breaker:
- During arcing, the oil basically acts as a producer of hydrogen gas. Which helps extinguish the arc as already discussed.
- Arc energy is absorbed in the decomposing of the oil.
- The oil circuit breaker provides the insulation for the live exposed contact from the earthed portions of the container.
- Cooling oil presents the cooling surface ib close proximity to the arc.
- It must provide insulation between the contact after the arc has ee finally extinguished ad there has ee time for the oil to flow, into the gap between contacts.
- The oil that is used is a very good insulator ad allows smaller clearance between live conductors ad the earth components.
- The gas formed which is mainly hydrogen has a high diffusion rate ad high heat absorption in changing from diatomic to moo atomic ad thus provides good cooling properties.
Disadvantages of oil circuit breaker:
- It is a possibility of its forming an explosive mixture.
- It is inflammable and may cause fire hazards. If the defective circuit breaker should fail under pressure and cause an explosion.
- Arcing time is high.
- Removing the gases within the contact space is difficult.
- There is a risk of formation of the explosive mixture with the air.
- Due to the decomposition of the oil in the arc, the oil becomes polluted by caron particles, which reduces strength, hence periodical maintenance and replacement are required.
- It is used less quantity of oil so that carbonization will be increased.
- Controlling the arc interruption can be done based on the length of the arc.
- It can form any volatile mixture through the air.
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