5 April 2021

Advantages and disadvantages of ipv6

IPV6 is a type of IP that routes traffic across the internet. It was mainly developed to resolve the address exhaustion issue face by the IPV4. The role of IPV6 is to deliver data packets from the source to its host destination. So here this article gives the advantages and disadvantages of IPV6 to better understand this topic

Advantages of IPV6:

  • More powerful internet
  • Address allocation is done by the device itself
  • Support for security using internet protocol security
  • Allow for easy aggregation of prefixes assigned to IP networks
  • Allows big data packets to be sent at the same time, saving bandwidth.

Disadvantages of IPV6:

  • Creating a smooth transition from IPV4 to IPV6
  • IPV6 is not available to machines that run IPV4
  • Time to convert over to IPV6
  • IPV4 is still widely used & the world is slow to convert to IPV6
  • Any costs incurred by the user as a result of having to replace an IPV4 machine
  • Switching from IPV4 to IPV6 is a slow and laborious process.
  • Understanding IPV6 submitting can be difficult on its own, let alone trying to remember/memorize your IPV6 address
  • IPV4 and IPV6 devices cannot communicate directly with each other, even in the most unusual of circumstances.
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