26 May 2021

CRC vs checksum

What is a checksum?

The checksum is the most commonly used tool for detecting data errors. This method of error detection is more reliable than other methods. A checksum generator is used and on the receiver side, a checksum checker is used.

What is CRC?

CRC stands for cyclic redundancy check and it is an error detection tool used by upper-layer protocols to detect errors. The polynomial generator is present on both the sender and receiver sides.

Difference between CRC and Checksum:

  • The checksum is not a thorough concept for detection and reporting of error, while the CRC is a thorough concept for detection and reporting of error.
  • The checksum is capable of detecting a single-bit change in the data, while the CRC is capable of detecting double digits errors.
  • The error can be easily computed in checksum while the CRC follows a complex computation method.
  • The checksum is the method that comes after the CRC method, while the CRC is the oldest method.
  • The checksum is based on the addition approach, while CRC is based on the hash approach.
  • CRC is widely used in analog transmission for data validation, while the checksum is widely used in data validation during the implementation of software.
  • The checksum can compute fewer number errors than CRC, while the CRC is too complex to computation, it can detect more errors.
  • CRC is more thorough as opposed to the checksum in checking for error and reporting.
  • The checksum is the older of the two programs.
  • In comparison to checksum, CRC needs a more complex calculation.
  • The checksum detects single-bit data changes, while the CRC will search and detect double-digit errors.
  • Because of its more complex function, CRC can detect more errors than the checksum.
  • When implementing applications, checksums are often used for data validation.
  • In analog data transmission, a CRC is primarily used for data evaluation.
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