The term IGBT full form Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor is a solid-state device. It is introduced on the 1980s. A power transistor characteristics of both MOSFET as well as BJT are used in IGBT. So it makes used advantages of both power MOSFET and BJT, the IGBT has been introduced. IGBT can be used much more application like electric cars, digital stereo power amplifier, SMPS, UPS, PWM, home application and uses in many more power circuits. IGBT advantages are that it can improve dynamic performance and efficiency.
12 May 2018
IGBT meaning
Hello, My name is Divya Chauhan and I am a Electronics and communication engineer and M.Tech post graduate in Electronics and communication(ICT) field. I have been in the Digital marketing field for a few years now, learning more about the field and myself every day. I started a website on Electronics and communication engineering in 2017. Since then it has given me a passion for learning as well as allowed me to step into another niche called difference or comparison of two similar kinds of terms I spend most of my time singing, playing sports, and writing content. I love to share expertise and knowledge in the above mentioned field.