26 February 2024

RAM VS VRAM | Difference | Comparison

The difference between Random access memory (RAM) and Video Random Access Memory(VRAM) is that RAM is the main memory that your computer uses to store and process data, while VRAM is a special type of memory that your graphics card uses to render images on your screen. Both are important for gaming machines. But what do these terms represent? How do they vary from one another and why are they necessary for the best gaming experience? Let's break down the difference between RAM and VRAM and see how each one matters to your gaming machine.

What is RAM?

RAM is an abbreviation for random access memory. It enables users to perform data read and write operations. It is referred to as transferred memory because the data stored in it is only valid while the power supply is turned on. The operating system files and current data for the computer are stored in RAM memory storage, which makes use of a semiconductor component. 

What is VRAM?

The VRAM stands for video random access memory. As the name suggests, this memory can be used for any kind of display. This RAM is essential for gaming machines because it holds graphics data. VRAM helps the computer quick handling of complex graphics. It is essential in how AR and 3D are handled. When you buy a graphics card for your gaming computer, VRAM is already included. Because RAM manages ordinary data and VRAM handles graphical data, both RAM and VRAM are essential for gaming machines. 


  • Both RAM and VRAM are types of memory.
  • RAM and VRAM are both essential to the normal operation of a modern computer or laptop.
  • Computer performance is enhanced by RAM and VRAM specifications.

Difference between RAM and VRAM

  • RAM stands for random access memory, and VRAM stands for video random access memory.
  • RAM is released in the 1940s, whereas VRAM is released in the 1980s.
  • RAM is developed by Freddie Williams and TOM Kilburn, while VRAM is developed by IBM research.
  • RAM is connected to the motherboard and VRAM is on the graphics card.
  • RAM is a single port whereas VRAM is a dual port.
  • RAM stores temporary data on the other hand VRAM stores graphics data.
  • RAM is slower than VRAM.
  • RAM stores system files, whereas DRAM stores Graphics data.
  • RAM is a dedicated slot, and VRAM is integrated into a Graphics card.
  • RAM works for the CPU, and VRAM works for the GPU.
  • Technology influenced by RAM are DDR, DRAM, RDRAM, SDRAM, and VRAM, whereas Technology influenced by VRAM are GDDR5, GDDR5X, and HBM.
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