Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Evolution of fibre optic system
- The need for fibre optic communication
- Elements of the optical fibre transmission link
- Optical fibre link - Advantages and disadvantages
- Full form of technical terms related to optical communication
Chapter 2 : Optical Sources
- Characteristics of light sources for communication
- Properties of light
- What is an LED
- LED structure
- Features of LED
- Light source materials
- LED types
- LED colours
- Advantages and disadvantages of LED
- Application of LED
- What is LD
- Power current characteristics of LD
- Optical characteristics of LD
- Types of laser
- Operational efficiency of LD
- Advantages and disadvantages of LD
- Applications of injection layer
Chapter 3 : Optical Fibers
- Advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber
- What is a fiber optic cable
- Fiber optic cable definition
- Fiber optic cable material
- Fiber optic cable speed
- Fiber optic cable uses
- Fiber optic cable bandwidth
- Fiber optic cable color code
- Fiber optic cable advantages
- Fiber optic cable disadvantages
- What is the step index fiber
- Advantages and Disadvantages of step index fiber
- What is graded index fiber
- Advantages and disadvantages of graded index fiber
- What is a fiber optic cable
Chapter 4 : Advanced Optical Fiber System
- What is WDM
- Features of WDM
- WDM driver
- Advantages and disadvantages of WDM
- Applications of WDM
- What is DWDM
- Application of DWDM
- Advantages and disadvantages of DWDM
- What is SONET
- Applications of SONET
- Advantages and disadvantages of SONET
Chapter 5 : Photo Detector and Photo Diode
Chapter 6 : Optical Amplifier
- Basic of photodetector
- Cut of the wavelength of the photodetector
- Quantum efficiency of the photodetector
- What is photodiode
- Working of photodiode
- Applications of photodiode
- Advantages and disadvantages and Photodiode
- What is a PIN photodiode
- Applications of PIN diode
- Advantages and disadvantages of a PIN photodiode
- What is the avalanche photodiode
- Characteristics of avalanche photodiode
- Applications of avalanche photodiode
- Advantages and disadvantages of Avalanche photodiode